Monday, February 23, 2015

Merchant Applications closed

Its that time, to close off applications, get the second merchant kit off to folks and start working on our own items for the event.  Don't forget, Blogger applications are open for another week, so if you are a blogger and interested in blogging for us, please send in an application.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Application deadlines approaching

Hello folks,

A reminder basically, that applications for this year's Lovecraft's Wake will be closing soon.  Bloggers get another week past the Merchant applications, but time flies and it really won't be long at all now before we'll be opening the gates for people to come shop, listen to music and enjoy a fun couple of weeks dedicated to old H.P. himself.

So, if you, or anyone you know, might be interested in applying, get those applications in now.  We'll be processing the last ones this week and getting those merchant packs sent out.

Friday, February 13, 2015


Hello folks, a few updates to our Merchant List for the event.  If you are interested in being on that list, send in your applications, there is still a little over a week before applications shut down.  The event starts in about three weeks [wow, time flies], and I should get the vendor and gacha packs out early next week.  Real world travel + stupid cold/allergies slows one down.  But we are a little ahead of schedule, so I think we'll manage.

We're also working on a schedule for events, as mentioned in the FAQ there will be DJs and hopefully some other goodies for the event, so stay tuned and we'll keep you posted with more details.

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Blogger Apps

The blogger application for Lovecraft's Wake 2016 is now available here.  It is noted in the FAQ, but wanted to include it here as well, since the FAQ does cover a good bit of non-blogging specific stuff as well.

11.  Will you have official bloggers?

Yes.  Bloggers will have access to any and all review copies.  If you’re interested, please fill out the blogger application.

Blogging Lovecraft's Wake is optional on BOTH sides.  That means we are not going to set rules about who blogs what, when, and for how many cookies.  That said, we also do not force merchants to provide review packs, either. They can if they want to, and if not, that’s fine too.  We ask that both sides be respectful, and that’s pretty much it.

We will allow access to the event several days early for bloggers to run around and do their thing.

We do not guarantee that everyone who applies will be accepted.
Applications for bloggers will be taken until the end of February.

Merchant's List

The Merchant's list will be made available as applications are processed - check back for updates.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

FAQ Update, or Beth does her best Derpy Hooves impression

Sorry folks.  I knew it was 15 booths, not 20.  Sred told me this yesterday when I was finalizing the FAQ and putting the application online.  We haven't reached that many applications yet, there is still room for folks, and I fixed the FAQ.  I really am sorry, and I hopefully won't goof again.

I guess this is one of those learning experiences things.  I hope I'm learning.


Tuesday, February 3, 2015

And... Applications are open!

In case you are wondering, Lovecraft's Wake is a new event, celebrating the life of Howard Phillips Lovecraft, on and around his death day.  You can check out more on our FAQ, and in fact we would really prefer you read it BEFORE submitting an application.

Applications are open until February 22nd, so don't delay.  The application can be found here.